Project List
Universität Stuttgart
IFK @ Universität Stuttgart

The importance of overcoming carbon capture challenges necessitates the CCUS projects on a European level. A strong consortium is assembled for this project with eleven partners from five European countries Norway, Germany, Switzerland, France and Greece.

The AC²OCem project is coordinated by the University of Stuttgart and is a collaboration between CCS-leading institutes and industrial end-users to integrate the existing CCS knowledge in the cement production process.


Map of partners


AC²OCem Partners


01  IFK University of Stuttgart 

 02  SINTEF Energy Research

03   NTNU

 04  VDZ GmbH

 05  CERTH

 06  thyssenkrupp

 07  HeidelbergCement

 08  LafargeHolcim

09   TITAN Cement Company S.A.

 10  Air Liquide

 11  Total


AC2OCem Final Workshop

- in collaboration with ANICA -

a hybrid event hosted by VDZ in Düsseldorf, Germany

7th and 8th of March 2023